Sequence Navigator - an Equivalent for IBM

Hans Sluiman hsluiman at seaweed.blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Dec 9 11:00:27 EST 2001

In article <9uai46$mi3$1 at mercury.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk>, Arthur Mangos
<arthur.mangos at imvs.sa.gov.au> wrote:

> Can someone please help or assist us ?
> Does any one use or know of an IBM Software package for Sequence Analysis
> that is comparable to Sequence Navigator which is used on  Mac Computers.
> Any assitance in this area would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanking you al in anticipation.
> Arthur Mangos
> Molecular Patholgy
> Adelaide 
> South Australia
> ---

I discovered recently that Applied Biosystems no longer sell Sequence
Navigator and that  the successor application - whose name escapes me
at the moment - runs under Windows NT only. I am sure there will be
more info on their website.
Then there is Sequencher which is IIRC multiplatform. A web search for
Sequencher will give you the name of the company.

Hope this is of some use.


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