ABI 3100 or MegaBACE 500?

Ulf Hannelius ulf.hannelius at biosci.ki.se
Wed Dec 5 08:33:47 EST 2001

Dear all,

We are about to purchase a capillary sequencer which we will use mostly for
sequencing, but also for SNP analysis. Which one would YOU prefer, ABI3100
or Megabace500?. I've heard that the Megabace is a bit more flexible in the
sense that you don't have to change polymer and/or capillary array when
switching from sequencing to genotyping. Then again you can't do
multiplexing on the Megabace. Have anyone had major problems in using the
SnapShot kit from ABI? How much optimization is needed before you can get it
working reliably? And has someone compared the prices between ABI and
Megabace when it comes to sequencing and genotyping?

Best regards,
Ulf Hannelius
Karolinska Institutet
Center of Biosciences at Novum
141 57 Huddinge, Sweden
Email: Ulf.Hannelius at biosci.ki.se


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