Sequence Navigator - an Equivalent for IBM

S.W.Rasmussen swr at crc.dk
Tue Dec 4 02:18:54 EST 2001

perhaps dnatools at www.dnatools.dk could serve this purpose
- even though I must admit that I'm not exactly sure about the
facilities included in the Sequence Navigator software package.

Cheers  Soeren

Soeren W. Rasmussen, D.Sc., Ph.D.
Carlsberg Laboratory, Department of Physiology
10 Gl. Carlsbergvej, DK-2500, Copenhagen, Denmark
phone: +45 3327 5230 (work) +45 3616 2259 (private)
mail: swr at crc.dk

homepage: http://www.crc.dk/phys/
sequencing software: http://www.dnatools.dk

"Arthur Mangos" <arthur.mangos at imvs.sa.gov.au> wrote in message
news:9uai46$mi3$1 at mercury.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk...
> Can someone please help or assist us ?
> Does any one use or know of an IBM Software package for Sequence Analysis
> that is comparable to Sequence Navigator which is used on  Mac Computers.
> Any assitance in this area would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanking you al in anticipation.
> Arthur Mangos
> Molecular Patholgy
> Adelaide
> South Australia
> ---

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