sales at one2host.com sales at one2host.com
Tue Aug 14 21:27:00 EST 2001

Dear David

I would sincerely like to apologize for the huge amount of downtime you
have experienced, we had some major problems with the server your
account is on. That problem was serious enough for us to move customers
as we have done. We have kept the server open for you to download your
files in case you did not have a backup of them. 

To log into the old server use

ftp                            :
username /password  : your regular details 

Your new details for the new server are:: 

ftp              :  www.confessionz.com <http://www.confessionz.com> 

Username  : 888nsehwq

Password  : mail684stoop

Once again, I sincerely apologize for the down time you have suffered.
We have taken steps to ensure that this does not happen again.

Thank you

Emma C

Customer relations

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