I am trying to sequence the ends of two cDNAs that I have (~100 bp and 400
bp). I am finding that these regions have a lot of strings of As and Ts.
It appears to be difficult to sequence through this region. Does anyone
have any suggestions as to how I could sequence these regions and get good
sequence? I have tried to sequence through the polyT tail but the sequence
is poor once I reach the pass through the tail.
thanks for all your help
Sabina Belli PhD
Molecular Parasitology Unit
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
University of Technology, Sydney
Westbourne Street
Gore Hill N.S.W. 2065
Phone (lab): 61-2-9514 4043/4127
FAX: 61-2-9514 4026
email: Sabina.Belli at uts.edu.au