Tor Slettnes tor at slett.net
Fri May 26 15:47:04 EST 2000

>>>>> "Phyllis" =3D=3D Phyllis B Biddle <phyllis.b.biddle at USA.dupont.com> w=

    Phyllis> Dear All, Has anyone ever successfully renamed a 377?
    Phyllis> The instrument name that we are looking for is apparently
    Phyllis> in preferences in the system folder (not the one in
    Phyllis> General Settings in the Collection preferences).

You should be able to give the instrument a new name using the General
Preferences dialogue box.  If this does nothing, check that your
preferences file (in the system folder) is not locked.  (Select the
file, and then press Command-I, or select File -> Get Info..).


F=E5r i ulvekl=E6r


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