3700 v 1.1 Data extractor/Change Poly Wizard Conflict?

Phillip San Miguel pmiguel at purdue.edu
Mon Mar 20 11:13:25 EST 2000

    While I regard the v. 1.1 Data Collection software etc.
to be a major improvement over v. 1.0 I won't deny there are
some weird bugs. Here is an example. The Change Polymer
Wizard seems to crash frequently before actually starting.
After filling out the first few windows of information and
clicking through the directions, I often get an error
message telling me to click CANCEL. Sometimes I get it a few
times in a row. It is irritating, but usually after a few
tries and maybe restarting the machine, it works fine.
    I haven't tested this exhaustively, but I think the
Change Polymer Wizard errors out if Data Extractor is
running. Has anyone else noticed this connection?

Phillip San Miguel
Purdue Genomics Core Facility


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