DSEQ : G3 or G4 for 377?

Phillip San Miguel pmiguel at purdue.edu
Fri Mar 10 17:34:49 EST 2000

Renata.Lee at aventis.com wrote:

> Hello All,
> We are planning on replacing our old 7200 to a G3 or G4 and I am wondering
> what people are running with their 377 (particularly with 96 lane upgrade).
> I also would like to know which OS version the Macs are running ; which
> version of Data Collection & Data Analysis you are running with the G3's or
> G4's and any problems you encountered with the upgrade.  ABI tells me that
> only the Blue & White G3 's will work with their Analysis software but this
> G3 has been discontinued.
> [...]

    We have one of the old G3's (pre-blue and white). It works. We have the 96
well upgrade. I haven't been using it heavily since we got the 3700 up and
running, but other than problems requiring a low-level reformat of the hard
drive, it has been stable. Another lab in this building has a 377-96 with a
blue and white G3. Both of us bought our machines with the 96-upgrade. I am
running version 2.5 of Data Collection, v. 3.3 of sequencing analysis and v.
3.1 of genescan.
Phillip San Miguel
Purdue Genomics Core Facility


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