Tor Slettnes wrote:
> >>>>> "Paul" == Paul Shinn <pshinn at> writes:
>> Paul> Could it be that Orbix is not running and that
> Paul> HyperTerminal is not connected?
>> Most likely the first; the second is irrelevant. HyperTerminal (or
> another terminal program) was never intended for customer use; it is
> more of a diagnostic tool. If you do run it, though, it might be an
> idea to turn on capturing of the output; if something bad happens
> during the run, we would be more than happy to receive this file along
> with the log file from the run.
>> Cheers,
> -tor
>> --
> Får i ulveklær
> ---
Yeah, I feel blind without hyperterminal, but one doesn't actually
need it. When starting the 3700, I think most people start hyperterminal
first and then watch for the report that the 3700 is idle. Then it is safe
to bring up data collection. But when I first installed v 1.1 I didn't see
hyperterminal and assumed PE had deleted it. I was able to detect when the
3700 was idle by waiting for the green light to come on.
The logging function must have been on by default. But there is one
problem--the size of the log files is substantial. What size files are you
set-up to handle getting through email at PE?
Phillip San Miguel
Purdue University Genomics Core Facility