DNA Sequence Editor/Finisher/Annotator

Peter J. Myler mylerpj at sbri.org
Wed Mar 1 17:11:31 EST 2000

A basic research laboratory at Seattle Biomedical Research Institute with
long term NIH funding has an opening for a DNA Sequence
Editor/Finisher/Annotator working on two protozoan parasite (Leishmania
major and Trypanosoma cruzi) genome sequencing projects.  Your role will be
to participate in the mapping of cosmids and BACs using an end-sequencing
approach; and to assemble and edit sequence from shotgun libraries to 99.99%
accuracy.  In addition, you will participate in the annotation of the
completed sequences.  You must have experience with automated DNA sequencing
sequence analysis, preferably using Phred/Phrap/Consed, and a meticulous
approach to work as part of a team with demanding deadlines.  The position
has a competetive salary with excellent benefits and is available

Please visit our website ( or e-mail Dr. Peter
Myler at mylerpj at sbri.org for further information.


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