Dye primers on 3700

Paul Shinn pshinn at mail1.sas.upenn.edu
Wed Feb 16 20:14:44 EST 2000

   Well, I think our 3700 is maximized with the number of dye terminators 
it can run in a day (2 384s with foil piercing).  I am still not 
satisfied with dye primer performance on the machine, though.  Even with 
foil piercing on with 4 96well plates, the 3rd and 4th plates definitely 
don't look as good as the first 2.  They are 1/4 and 1/2 BigDyePrimers 
resuspended in 15ul .2mM EDTA.  Works great on plates 1 and 2.


Paul Shinn    
Sequencing Coordinator                                    ,___o
pshinn at neomorph.bio.upenn.edu                            _-\_<,
Arabidopsis thaliana Genome Center                      (*)/'(*)
(215) 573-7256

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