Phillip San Miguel wrote:
> [...] I'm also pretty sure the 3700 would schedule runs that
> took samples from more than one plate--but that is
> speculation. [...]
By the way, I tested this just now--version 1.1 of the 3700 Data
Collection Software will schedule single runs with samples drawn from
two plates[1]. Was this the case with version 1.0? I've been told it
wasn't possible. Or, at least, not obvious how to do this. All I did was
import two plate records that used the same run module and it
automatically scheduled them in the same run as long as the number of
samples did not exceed my setting of "maximum Capilllaries Per Run"
under preferences.
It may be of significance how I have my preferences set. Under
"Plate Setup" I have "Plate sensor online" checked but "Enable plate
import from database" unchecked. Under "Run Setup/Run Creation Mode" I
have "Automatic" checked and "maximum Capillaries Per Run(2-104)" set
normally at "96" but I intend to change that to "104" once I get a few
details worked out. Under "Run Setup/Run Processing" I have "Minimum Run
Size" checked, "Process runs with at least ___ Samples." set to "2",
"Single Run" unchecked, "Batch Run" checked but limited to "48" Hours
and "10" runs.
With luck, I'll be able to load all 104 caps and report the results
by tomorrow.
Phillip San Miguel
Purdue Genomics Core Facility
[1] Note that all samples must be drawn in pairs, as usual. That is, the
3700 has dual loading probes 18 mm apart and insists on loading in pairs
using both. To be more specific, if you load a sample from well "A1" of
a 384-well plate, "A5" must also be loaded. Or at least that is the way
it was. I presume this is still the case.