Adhesive septum sheets for 96/384 well plates

David Bruce dbruce at lanl.gov
Mon Feb 14 09:14:11 EST 2000


I am looking for adhesive septum sheets for 96/384 well plates that meet
the following:


Description: Tape to cover biological samples stored in a polystyrene
box (microtiter plate).  The microtiter plate is 3" wide and 4.5" long.
It has 96 0.25" diameter wells on the top surface, where the samples are

Purpose:  Prevent sample evaporation and serve as a septum for sample
withdrawal using a needle.

Temperature range: -20°C to +37°C.

Solvent contact: Neutral aqueous buffer.

Needed properties: Stick to polystyrene.  Prevent evaporation.  Stand
multiple piercing with small bore needle and still have desired


David Bruce
Mail Stop M888
Group BN-1
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

505-667-2699, voice
505-665-3024, fax
505-996-1458, pager
dbruce at lanl.gov

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