exGEL announcement and exTRACE update

Mark Berres markb at ravel.zoology.wisc.edu
Thu Apr 27 22:02:34 EST 2000

Dear Readers,

	I recently uploaded a new ABI data extraction utility, exGEL.
exGEL is a software application designed to extract the raw photometric
data contained in the primary data block of ABI 377 derived gelfiles
(gel collection files). The resulting exGEL processed gelfile is organized
in a much more straightforward manner and typically 20-30 percent smaller
than the original ABI gelfile. exGEL also has the capability to extract the 
machine runtime parameters of voltage, current, and temperature and provide
simple summary statistics of the photometrix data including the maximum
relative fluorescence intensity (RFI) in each filter and a histogram of
RFI values. This information is very useful for optimizing fluorophore
concentrations in multiplexed fAFLP reactions. At this time, exGEL only
processes gelfiles derived from ABI 377 machines (194, 388, and 480
channels). exGEL can be downloaded from the Bioinformatics section at

Currently, I only have a Macintosh version compiled. I will release
versions for other platforms (Solaris, DOS etc.) shortly.


Upgrade for Macintosh users of exTRACE:

In the original version of exTRACE, I failed to take into account the
need to change the file type and creator. This has been changed. The
text files are now linked to bbedit. Note that this upgrade affects 
only MACINTOSH users of exTRACE.

Documentation change:

I rewrote (almost completely) the ABI 377 GELFILE organization document.
The information is better organized and much more complete than the
initial version (haste does make waste).



Mark E. Berres
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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