DNA Sequence Summary Mac Operating System

Harold G. Hills hhills at iastate.edu
Wed Apr 26 01:07:45 EST 2000

>I had expected more response.  Apparently people want to upgrade to 
>9.0 but have run into various problems in addition to the G4 problem.
>The responses are below with id removed.  At ISU we are running the 
>old G3's with 8.1 with collection 2.5 and Seq Anal 3.4.  We have 9.0 
>on a 8600 and Seq Anal 3.4 seems to work ok on that.  On our new 
>G4's with 9.0 Gel tracker locks up the computers.
>I am using Seq Analysis 3.3 with OS 8.5.1.
>On our PowerMac 7200 and 7600 which run our 2 ABI 377XL instruments 
>we are using
>OS 8.0 and Seq Analysis v3.3.  On our main lab computer (PowerMac G3) we are
>running OS 8.6  and Seq Analysis v3.4 with no problems.
>You need operating system 8.x, apparently Foster city cannot recommend
>9.0 as yet as they are still running tests.
>I use Mac OS 8.0 and 8.1 for both collection and sequence analysis 3.3 or
>3.4 on the 377's. They are fine.
>we are using Sequencing Analysis 3.4 on OS9 and Data Collection
>2.6 on OS8.6
>Both work without any problems
>We are running OS 8.5 on an old style G3 with SeqAnalysis v3.3.
>I have downloaded the update to v3.4 but not yet tried it.
> we use old Mac OS 7.5 for the data collection(ABI Prism 377XL 
>v.2.5) and we analyze the data on Macs run on Mac OS 9.0 using ABI's 
>Sequence Analysis v. 3.4.
>We are running OS 8.5 on our collection machines.  They are both 7000 series.
>We are doing analysis version 3.3 on a G4 with OS 9.0 and simply 
>living with the
>reboot after lane tracking.  We still have to use the old 7600 running 8.5 to
>analyze our GeneScan gels.  It will not even launch the tracker on the G4.
>We are using Mac OS 8.1 and Sequencing Analysis 3.4.
>We are using Analysis v 3.3 with Mac OS 8.6.  We ran into compatibility
>problems with Mac OS 9.0, so that's why we're still using 8.6
>I'm running 7.6.1 on the 377 collection mac and B1-8.1 on the mac I
>check the tracking on. Both are running 3.3 and 3.4 Seq An just fine.
>We are using OS 8.5 with all newest versions of GeneScan, Sequence Analysis
>and Genotyper.

Harold G. Hills, Ph.D. DNA Sequencing Specialist	515 294-9585
1184 Molecular Biology Building			    FAX 515 294-1597
Iowa State University                                   hhills at iastate.edu
Ames, IA 50011-3260
http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/Facilities/DSSF/ABRF   For ABRF 97 DNA 
sequencing tutorial.
http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/Facilities/DSSF   For info about facility.

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