Reconstitution of reactions for the 3700

mpento mpento at cmgm.stanford.edu
Tue Apr 25 14:53:50 EST 2000

We have been loading in water directly from our millipore reaction
cleanup (we collect into the 96 well loading plate).  The water will
give you a stronger signal.  At present ABI is troubleshooting our
machine and protocols as we were seeing a loss in resolution usually
more pronounced on the right capillaries.  We could recover the
capillaries with an acid wash.  So far (about 12 runs) running only ABI
standards in commercial ultrapure sterile water the problem has not
returned.  We are still not sure that our problem is water related but
it may be worthwhile using a very clean loading solution  to keep the
capillaries in good condition?  I did not see a significant problem with
dropouts when using water.

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