Hello All,
(1) I would like to get a consensus from the group regarding the best
medium for sequence data storage. I operate a core facility at an academic
institution and archive all data: gel files, trace and .seq files, etc.
Currently I store to optical disc (ca. 0.25 gig).
(2) Regarding 96 well formats for dye-terminator removal (e.g. DyeEx): Does
any one have experience using a portion of a 96 well unit for one run and
then the remaining portion in a subsequent run?
Thanks in advance and best regards,
Christopher M. Bacot, Ph.D.
DNA Sequencing Facility
321 Bio Unit I
Department of Biological Science
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4370
lab: 850-644-3601 (voice mail)
office: 850-644-8956
fax: 850-644-0481
emergency: 850-926-9350