SNP 2000 meeting announcement

Scott White swhite at telomere.lanl.gov
Mon Apr 24 15:43:29 EST 2000

3rd International Meeting on

DATES: 8th ?11th September 2000
PLACE: Taos, New Mexico, USA

Web Site: http://snp2000.cgr.ki.se/

This international meeting will focus upon the evolving possibilities
for exploiting single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the study of complex
genomes. Aspects to be covered will span basic methodology issues,
applications, population genetics, bio-informatics, and ethical
dimensions. Reports of last years meeting can be found in Science (1998,
281:1787-9), Nature Genetics (1998, 20:217-8), and European Journal
Human Genetics (1999, 7:98-101; 2000, 8:154-156).

Organizers: Anthony Brookes, Pui-Yan Kwok, Ulf Landegren, Peter Oefner,
Scott White.

Venue: Sagebrush Inn, Taos, New Mexico. A venue with Southwestern charm,
located 1.5 hours north of Santa Fe. Outdoor pool and two hot tubs, a
public tavern on site, facilities for tennis, golf, fishing, hiking,
bicycling, horseback riding and river rafting nearby.

Meeting format: All sessions will be in plenum with 20-25 min
presentations by invited speakers and others selected from abstracts,
with ample time for discussions. All applicants must submit an abstract.
Delegates not giving an oral presentation are required to present a
poster. The meeting will be limited to 120 participants selected
competitively on the basis of submitted abstracts.

Application procedure: Application + abstract deadline is 15th July,
Application for attendance must be supported by an abstract of no more
than 300 words. Participant selection will be competitive on the basis
of abstract content. All applicants will be notified after abstract
assessment is completed (by 1st August), and payment will be requested
from selected participants to finalize the registration procedure.
Registration + accommodation (3 night); USD 870. Registration only; USD
See the Web pages at http://snp2000.cgr.ki.se/ for further information
and application forms. If you wish to apply by e-mail or regular mail,
please direct this to Anthony Brookes, Center for Genomics Research,
Karolinska Institute, Theorells väg 3, S-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46-(0)8-7286630, Fax: +46-(0)8-331547, E-mail:
CGR_SNP2000 at kisac.cgr.ki.se


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