exTRACE update

Mark Berres markb at ravel.zoology.wisc.edu
Tue Apr 11 22:50:02 EST 2000

Dear Readers,

Yesterday evening, I posted a version of exTRACE that runs on
any SGI running IRIX (tested on v5.3, 6.2 and 6.5). Other
platforms available include Solaris, DOS, Macintosh, Linux
and HP-UX. Executables and documentation are available in
the Bioinformatics section at http://ravel.zoology.wisc.edu/sgaap.

exTRACE is a software application designed to extract data records
contained within tracefiles (chromatograms) derived from ABI 310,
3700, ABI 377 (GeneScan) and ABI 377 (sequencing) machines. exTRACE
has the capability to write the records to individual hexadecimal,
decimal or binary files.


Mark E. Berres
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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