Hi everyone,
At the Universty Medical Centre Nijmegen, The Netherlands, we started a few
months ago with a central DNA sequencing facility. Therefore we have an ABI
3700 sequencer and a MWG Biotech RoboAmp4200. Everything works just fine and
more and more departments of the university come to us with their samples.
On this moment we use an Acces database where users can fill in the sample data
before they bring them to us. Basecalling is performed by "sequencing
analysis" and further data analysis (s.a. mutation detection) with "sequence
To improve these analysis steps we are planning to set up a server (BioLIMS?)
with the Staden software (and Phred to call the bases). The biggest issue will
be the automated but reliable detection of (heterozygous) point mutations in
big amounts of sample files (for the dept. of DNA-diagnostics). Is there
anywhere somebody in Europe or US who has such a system working (i.e. in a DNA
diagnostic centre) ?
Joop P.G. Theelen
University Medical Centre Nijmegen
dpt. Human Genetics 417
E-Mail j.theelen at antrg.azn.nl