help needed to interprete the sequence

Ze Cheng ginger at acsu.buffalo.edu
Wed Apr 5 12:40:37 EST 2000

    I am doing subclone for my research project. The sequence I got back
from the clones is all right except for the first several sequence
downstream of the restriction site I used for the cloning.
 When T7 promoter is used as the primer,in the sequence like"GAAACA..",one
of the peaks of the three "A"s are conjested and the shapes are not like
other normal peaks.
  When sequenced with T7 terminater primer(the reverse) in the sequence
between 70-80, there is a G which always overlaps with the adjacent "A".It
is in the vector sequence.
  The rest sequence are correct. Please tell me the possibility that may
result in such a weird look. I really need your expertise to continue my
research.Thank you.
   Have a nice day

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