Licor sequencing of PCR products

Heyko Skladny skladny at greiner.de
Mon Apr 3 08:10:04 EST 2000

I would like to know if anyone has good (or bad) experiences in
sequencing PCR products by IRD-labeled oligonucleotides on LICOR
systems. In our hands plasmid-DNA is no problem but some PCR products
show some very-strong-stops, and by now we think it might be the
amplification conditions (PCR) that should have to be optimised (less or
more stringent?). Cloning is no alternative as the samples to be
analyzed might show a heterozygous state (mutation screening). Did
anyone already try the acyclo terminators from NEN?

any ideas or comments are welcome


Dipl.-Biol. Dr.rer.nat. Heyko Skladny
Praxis Dr. Dr. Greiner
Molekulare Genetik
Mollstrasse 49 a
D-68165 Mannheim
Tel +49 621 42286-0/ -14
Fax +49 621 42286-88
mailto:skladny at greiner.de


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