3700 Buffer recipe

Stephen R. Lasky srlasky at u.washington.edu
Tue Sep 28 09:53:57 EST 1999

rhteam wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know the recipe for a  self-made 3700 ABI sequencer Buffer?
> Why does it cost so much (about $770 one bottle in Italy)?

Barbara, while I don't know the recipe, it costs so much because PE has
been the only supplier (good old monopoly capitalism).  However, there
are now some other companies making 10X 3700 buffer (the Gel company is
one of them) who are selling their buffer at a more reasonable price. 
We didn't have good luck with the first sample they sent to us, but they
may have it right by now.  As competetition enters the market, we may
see the prices for 3700 parts and reagents (capillaries, 10X, LPA) come

Stephen R. Lasky, Ph.D.			#
University of Washington		#
Department of Molecular Biotechnology	#
HSB K324 box 357730			#
Seattle, WA, 98195 USA			#
email:	srlasky at u.washington.edu	#
Phone: 	206-616-5865			#
Fax:	206-685-7301			#

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