There is a software package called GelSim which I use, which lets you
convert ABI capillary sequencer data into simulated gel graphics. It looks
pretty good. The program also lets you add text and symbols to the graphics
and you can create a gel from scratch, from data you enter.
According to their website the company is also working on a program
which will generate custom reports incorporating a range of data which I
would find really useful.
Anyway, check it out at
there are demos of the programs on the site.
----Original Message Follows----
From: Bernie D <frog4444 at>
To: nobody at
Subject: Gel image from ABI capillary sequencer data?
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 02:13:09 GMT
Hi there
Does anybody know of a software package that can convert data from an ABI
capillary sequencer like the 310 or 3700 into a traditional gel image?
Some of my clients would like to see the traditional 'bands on a gel' image
because it is far easier to interpret visually than peaks on an
electropherogram trace.
Thanks in advance
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