Sample stability on 3700 deck

Stephen R. Lasky srlasky at u.washington.edu
Fri Oct 29 17:16:43 EST 1999

Paul Shinn wrote:
>    OK, one more question about using water to resuspend samples.  I've
> found when using only water, the initial peaks are VERY strong and then
> the signal quickly fades out.  I started with the 50:50 of water and
> formamide/EDTA but the samples degrade by plate  4, however, the
> peaks were more even.  For those of you running with water, is it just
> water or have you doped it with a touch of formamide or EDTA?

Paul, we changed our injection parameters to solve those problems.  

modified parameters:    injection voltage: 1500V
                                        injection time:    20s
                                        foil piercing:    ON
                                        flat field corrected:    off
                                        tank levels:    OFF

Default parameters:    run temp:    50'C
                                    cuvette temp:    40'C
                                    cap pressure:    1200psi
                                    cap fill time:    1200s
                                    max current:    800uA
                                    pre-run voltage:    6000V
                                    Pre-run time:    300s
                                    sample volume:    2.5ul
                                    wash volume:    20ul
                                    run voltage:    5250V
                                    sheath flow vol:    12000 counts
                                    sheath flow period:    942msec
                                    data delay time:    1500sec
                                    run time:    10000sec

We are still using these modified paramters (except foil piercing is
off) for the water injection.  This decreased the size of the initial
peaks and increased our readable run length significantly.


Stephen R. Lasky, Ph.D.			#
University of Washington		#
Department of Molecular Biotechnology	#
HSB K324 box 357730			#
Seattle, WA, 98195 USA			#
email:	srlasky at u.washington.edu	#
Phone: 	206-616-5865			#
Fax:	206-685-7301			#

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