reading 377 files on Windows

Paul Rasmussen paul at ib3.gmu.edu
Mon Oct 25 12:29:06 EST 1999

lawrence washington wrote:

> Can someone recommend a Windows application for viewing ABI 377 data files
> on a windows platform.  (something analagous to Sequencher for Macs)
> Thanks,
> Lawrence Washington
> Indiana Molecular Biology Institute

Hmmm... How about sequencher for windows?
Otherwise there is a version of the Staden package (gap, pregap, trev etc...)
for windows now.
There's a US mirror of the homepage at www.ib3.gmu.edu/staden

Paul Rasmussen
Research Associate
Institute for Biosciences, Bioinformatics, and Biotechnology
George Mason University, Manassas VA
Phone: (703) 993-8463     Fax: (703) 993-8460
paul at ib3.gmu.edu              www.ib3.gmu.edu

"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I
can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all
those flies and death and stuff."
-Mariah Carey, pop singer

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