Open Position

Kevin Bean KBEAN at war.wyeth.com
Thu Oct 14 04:18:09 EST 1999

Staff Scientist I (DNA Sequencing)
Genetics Institute (Cambridge)

We are seeking a highly motivated individual to lead an existing 
DNA sequencing group that provides support for Discovery 
Research activities at our Cambridge, Massachusetts research 
facility.  The qualified candidate will have a minimum of a BS 
degree (higher degrees will be considered) and several years of 
experience in DNA sequencing and/or Molecular Biology.  
Extensive knowledge of current automated sequencing 
methodologies on ABD 373/377 and/or capillary electrophoresis 
units is required.  Preference will be given to candidates who have 
demonstrated supervisory experience, especially in a DNA 
Sequencing lab.  Proficiency with Sequencher software and 
database structures is a plus.

Contact:  jreilly at genetics.com (617-665-7479).

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