ABI 377 96-lane upgrade: does it work?

Cariola, Michael L. CARIOLAM at afip.osd.mil
Fri Nov 26 03:50:35 EST 1999

Regarding the 96-lane format, we haven't had a whole lot of success and have
reverted back to 64 lane gels.  We haven't yet achieved the consistency
needed to justify the switch.  However, we haven't given up.  We also
recently purchased a Roboamp from MWG for cycle sequencing setup and gel
loading.  The biggest complaint I have with them thus far is that the
majority of their work has been on the Licor.  They are in the process of
remodeling their combs for the 377 so, in the meantime, we are using paper
combs from The Gel Loading Company.  The stylus the MWG machine uses for gel
loading is much more accurate than my caffeinated hands so I'm optimistic
that this will eventually be the best way to load our 96 lane gels.  We
haven't had a problem transferring the comb to the machine and, while
visiting MWG, I noticed that they are routinely using the paper combs
without difficulty.  As for why we haven't achieved great sequencing results
yet, there are many variables involved, including the water loading
protocol, potential signal dilution due to decreased loading volume and user
error (due to unfamiliarity with the new procedures). 

Any comments on the 96 lane combs would be greatly appreciated.

Michael Cariola
Quality Control Supervisor
Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory
1413 Research Blvd., Bldg. 101
Rockville, MD 20850
Office:  (301) 319-0253    FAX:  (301) 295-5932
e-mail: cariolam at afip.osd.mil <mailto:cariolam at afip.osd.mil> 

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