Informal benchmark survey

David Bruce dbruce at lanl.gov
Tue May 18 16:26:37 EST 1999

I am coordinating an informal benchmarking exercise for DNA sequencing
laboratories with a 300,000 to 600,000 lane capacity / year (5 to 10 ABI

The purpose of this effort is to share process information among mid
size sequencing centers.  Hopefully, we can learn from the experiences
of others to help us accelerate our sequencing rate, increase the
quality of our product, and optimize our efforts.

We will benchmark five processes:

Source DNA purification
Source DNA subcloning
Template purification
Template labeling
Sequencing gel run

In addition:

Laboratory Information management System

The metrics for each process will be:


Participant identity and information will be shared amongst all

The medium of information exchange will be an Excel spreadsheet
matrixing all participants against process descriptions, steps in
processes, step metrics, and step enablers.  Each participant will fill
out survey and return it to me.  The submitted spreadsheets will be
compiled and redistributed to participants.  Communication will be via
email and email attachments.


Mid May: Call for participants.
June 1, 1999:  Send out "official" benchmarking survey to participants.
June 15, 1999:  Benchmarking survey due.
June 30, 1999:  Compiled survey redistributed to participants.

I will email a sample benchmarking spreadsheet to any potential
benchmarking partner.

David Bruce
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Group LS-3
Mail Stop M888
Los Alamos, NM 87545
dbruce at lanl.gov

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