Plate washers & short runs

Malcolm Macaulay mmacau at scri.sari.ac.uk
Mon May 17 17:43:53 EST 1999

a quick summary of plate dishwashers:

1)There is a Miele dishwasher.  It comes with baskets for both
the 36 and 48 cm ABI 377 plates.  It gives you an option to run
the famous "hot deionized water wash".  It is an undercounter   
(small size) unit.  

2) Lancer 820 up (with a dryer ).

3) It is a model 810UP from Lancer.

Brief, but to the point.

We have been experiencing problems with our ABI 377.
We are running Genescan module GS Run 36C-2400.
Over the last week, gels have stopped at 1200 scans and at 3700 
scans into the run but the log states the run is complete.
Does anyone have any experience, comments or solutions to the 

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