"Dr. Duncan Clark" wrote:
> In article <7delfn$141 at net.bio.net>, radomski <radomski at unixg.ubc.ca>
> writes
> >Has anyone come across an article that deals with the overall accuracy of
> >sequencing PCR products? I just replied that the error is
> >probably the same as the error rate of the Taq used in the PCR.
>> Although the enzyme will have the same error rate as standard Taq it is
> very doubtful that you will ever see the errors in sequencing unless the
> error occurs in the first cycle or so of the linear amplification and is
> then copied in the next 30 cycles.
The linear amplification is with a single primer--thus it should produce no
template for future cycles only product. There is no way for an error made in
the first cycle to be "copied in the next 30 cycles."
Phillip San Miguel