373 Background:Green Haze

Elaine Hopes elaine at har.mrc.ac.uk
Sat Mar 20 20:21:14 EST 1999

Hi All

I've read through a number of the listed messages about gel backgrounds,
especially "Green Haze" and no one seems to have a definitive answer.  We
experience a number of such problems, which seems to be increasing.  In some
cases we have lost data, were data is present when the samples are re-run on a
good gel.  In the last couple of years we have found that alkali/acid washings
of the plates has cured the problem, but not now! 

We do not use alcohol on the plates and use milliQ purified water at all
times.  We use a number of gel types, all experience similar problems, though
we seem to have less problems with the 12cm wtr compared to the 36cm wtr
plates.  We also have a mix of ABI specific plates and those brought from
elsewhere, for both the 12cm and 36cm.  We have been in contact with ABI, but
no answer.

If anyone has had any replies not posted here we'd be really interested to
hear from you



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