377 Communication problem

Kevin Clark kevin at hammer.imm.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jan 21 19:19:21 EST 1999

I've had exactly the same problem for several months. If I start a run
one of 3 things happens. (1) The pump doesn't start, (2) It starts
scanning (you can hear it)  but no scan lines appear on the screen or
most commonly (3) the timer stays on the prerun counter of 1 hour and I
get the balance of that time remaining. 

All of these are cured but cancelling the run and restarting it. The
only thing I've done to any of the standard settings is that I extended
the run time to 10 hours for use with 29:1 acrylamide as the standard 7
hour run did not collect enough data. To date I haven't found the cause
of the problem or why restarting the run cures it but I know how you
feel to come in in the morning and find that the gel stopped just as the
data was getting to the laser! I have remade the run module and done all
the firmware/defragmenting stuff like you but to no avail.


Amy Avery wrote:
> It seems our computer is not communicating correctly with our 377XL
> sequencer.
> Symptoms:
> 2 months ago the electrophoresis stopped after running for less
> than one hour. I started a new run and it ran fine.  I thought
> we had saved too many gel fileson the harddrive, so I trashed them.
> Three times last week, the laser remained on standby during a
> platecheck. Also, a run stopped after less than one hour.  I
> again started a new run. Last night I began a run and then
> checked the status.  Although I selected Run and not Prerun,
> the clock was counting down from one hour.
> What we've done so far to try to fix the glitch:
> Re-set the machine; sent the firmware image.
> Restarted the computer.
> Defragmented the computer
> The above did not seem to solve the problem.  Any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Amy

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