Mgr. External Tech. Invest.-Pfizer

STEVE TOWERS 71145.67 at CompuServe.COM
Fri Jan 1 13:07:45 EST 1999

Pfizer Corporation
Project Analyst
External Technology Investments

We are seeking a biologist or molecular biologist
with a Ph.D. or equivalent plus 5 or more years
of experience in drug discovery research to join
the R&D Operations team.  In this role you will
work as the representative for Molecular Sciences,
working to identify and evaluate emerging technologies
and opportunities for investment in genomics, 
proteomics, and clinical markers.  
You will serve as the liaison with the legal group,
senior management and Pfizer's scientific staff.  
Additional responsibilities include negotiating
business transactions, drafting agreements, 
managing business relationships, and contributing 
to the development of business strategy in genomics.

In addition to the required experience stated above,
this position requires excellent interpersonal 
communication skills with the ability to represent 
Pfizer's business interests in a diplomatic and 
engaging manner.  The ability to learn and apply 
new knowledge in the business and legal areas, 
excellent writing and presentation skills are 
a requisite.

Should you be interested in learning more about 
this exciting career opportunity please contact 
Linda Correia, consultant to Pfizer Corporation.  
Resumes may be submitted by e-mail or fax as follows:
E-mail:  Lcorreia at compuserve.com
Fax:  (901) 521-0503
Phone:  (901) 521-0502

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