DNA Seq Gel loading tips

Harold G. Hills hhills at iastate.edu
Thu Feb 18 19:02:45 EST 1999

In response to Millie McAdams.

We use     #RN015F-LR2
	 Miniflex Gel Loading Tips
	0.2MM FLAT, 0.1-10UL
	200/Rack, 800/Case

Dot Scientific, 800 878-1785
4165 Lippincott
Burton, MI 48519


They are consistantly narrower than tips we used previously.  However, I do
find there are a few tips in some racks that do not want to suck up sample.
We use them to load 80 lane combs that have the same tooth width as the 64
lane combs.  We have the 96 lane upgrade and use 80 lane combs.

Harold G. Hills, Ph.D. DNA Sequencing Specialist	515 294-9585
1184 Molecular Biology Building			    FAX 515 294-1597
Iowa State University                                   hhills at iastate.edu
Ames, IA 50011-3260
http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/Facilities/DSSF/ABRF   For ABRF 97 DNA
sequencing tutorial.
http://www.biotech.iastate.edu/Facilities/DSSF   For info about facility.

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