Visible Genetics (VisGen, VGI, OpenGene) MicroGene Clipper and Blaster DNA Sequencers

John Barlow john_q_barlow at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 17 17:51:45 EST 1999

We were thinking about purchasing the DNA sequencer made
by Visible Genetics (VisGen).  They advertise 3 different models,
one of them advertised as being capable of reading up to 1,000 bases.

We heard that these sequencers are very bad, in particular, we were told
that the software and the sequencing kits from Amersham were very bad.
One user complained that the software really is an early beta version,
crashes constantly, and that the basecalling is very unreliable.
Another user complaned about very poor support from Amersham and
Visible Genetics with chemistry issues.  Moreover, there are no
internet user groups nor mailing lists.

Please send me your comments on these intruments and I will summarize them
for the group.


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