ABI 310 sequencing software

John Barlow john_q_barlow at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 17 17:47:02 EST 1999

In article <79tevr$hq at net.bio.net>, dcain at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk says...
>Is Sequencher worth it??? Easy question in my mind yes at any price.
>Sequencher is by far the best DNA analysis software that I have seen for
>any platform.  Its feature packed and well worth any price.
>David Cain

I think that Sequencher is VERY user-unfriendly.  Sequencher is packed
with a lot of useless features and it is too expensive.
In my opinion, LaserGene is not only a much better program,
but also costs much less.

John Barlow, MD

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