Fragment analysis survey

DUANE ALAN BARTLEY dbartley at welchlink.welch.jhu.edu
Tue Feb 2 16:26:34 EST 1999

On Line Fragment Analysis Facility Survey

The Fragment Analysis Research Committee (FARC) of the ABRF would like to
announce the opening of an anonymous web based survey for fragment
analysis facilities.  The purpose of the survey is to examine current
trends in fragment analysis and to see what niche this committe can fill
in serving the ABRF membership.  This is a new committee comprised of
members from facilities providing services such as SSCP, OLA and/or
microsatellite analysis. To participate in the survey please go to and follow the instructions.  Please
only one submission per laboratory.ABRF membership is not required for
participation.  If you have questions concerning this survey or the
committee, please contact Duane Bartley at dbartley at jhmi.edu . The closing
date for the survey will be February 19, 1999.  The survey results will be
presented at the annual ABRF meeting held in March of this year in

Thanks in advance for your participation,

Duane Bartley
Yongde Bao
Doug Bintzler
Laura Kasch
Linda Ballard
Lynn Orvieto
George Grills

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