Hardware Failures on 377... alternatives?

Tim Marriner Tim.Marriner at Bristol.ac.uk
Thu Apr 29 03:43:37 EST 1999

Has anyone had much trouble with constant hardware cop-outs on 377's?
  Our machine is about 5 - 6 years old, but in the last 6 months has been 
plagued by untraceable problems... mainly with the laser...(we've had 
every single part except the case replaced, but to no avail..!)
   Unfortunately, this may end up bankrupting the service, because we 
can't get enough runs through...
     I understand there is a new high-voltage sequencer on the market, 
which can do a full run in about 2 hours.... anyone know it's 
   Does anyone have alternatives to the 377 that have very good 
reliability/service records, with similar throughput?

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