How to get crude data

Dr. Duncan Clark Duncan at nospam.demon.co.uk
Wed Apr 21 12:08:08 EST 1999

In article <7fj09l$lu3 at net.bio.net>, Olivier Dugas <olivierd at visgen.com>
>       Hello,
>I'm searching a software wich is able to extract crude data (signal
>intensity for each base at each position) from an scf file.

Do web search for Chromas. It reads and displays .scf files under
Windows. There are other packages around for Linux and Mac's.

The problem with being on the cutting edge is that you occasionally get 
sliced from time to time....

Duncan Clark
DNAmp Ltd.
Tel: +44(0)1252376288
FAX: +44(0)8701640382

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