ABI-377-96 - Correction!

Andrew S. Louka alouka at writeme.com
Fri May 15 16:10:04 EST 1998

In response to Soren K. Rasmussen's question, I posted a reply which included
the following text:

> We have been garanteed by PE in Oslo that to upgrade a 377XL to 377-96 will
> cost no more than an upgrade from 377 to 377-96.

This is _not_ true!  I should have written that PE in Oslo will charge no more

to upgrade:

    377 to 377XL and then 377XL to 377-96

than it costs to upgrade from:

    377 to 377-96.

So, if you have a 377, you can either upgrade it to 377XL, and then a 377-96,
*or* upgrade your 377 directly to a 377-96 with _no_ difference in price.

This was a sincere mistake, and it was not my intention to mislead anybody.  I

apologise for any misconvenience I have caused.

Andrew Louka

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