ABI377-HP1600 Print Problem

Christophe Grundschober Christophe.Grundschober at medecine.unige.ch
Fri May 1 16:45:42 EST 1998

In article <6ia4sf$nfg at net.bio.net>, Macky Edmundson <mackyE at qimr.edu.au> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have been having intermitant problems with the ends of 
> chromatograms being chopped off by our HP1600CM for
> over 2 years now. At first I thought it was a hardware
> problem but extra memory did not solve it and 
> no technical fault can be found. I recently
> got access to anothe 1600cm and it does the same
> thing so it is definately software related.


we had the same problem and PE had no idea how to solve it. The only way
we found to print our chromatograms (in landscape orientation) is to
specify a size of 98 or 95% instead of 100% in the print dialog box (I
assume you are using a Macintosh). If somebody has a better idea I would
be glad to hear it.
Good luck
C. Grundschober
Transplantation Immunology Unit
Centre Medical Universitaire
1211 Geneve 4

grund at cmu.unige.ch

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