Linkage mapping markers

rEN rsegurdo at tcd.ie
Wed Jun 17 21:34:30 EST 1998

	We are currently beginning a full genome scan
using human microsatellite markers on the ABI 377. For
this purpose we are using Perkin Elmers own LMS 2
(Linkage Mapping Set II), and are interested in corresponding 
with other groups who are using these markers.
	Specifically, we are planning on multiplexing our 
PCRs, and we have found them to be a bit awkward to 
optimise. We have also had non-specific amplification
ocurring. Has anyone else encountered these problems with LMS 2?
Are there any specifically problematic markers? panels?
Any information about protocols & problems (and solutions :)) 
would be appreciated.
	Thanks in advance,

R. Segurado
Neuropsychiatric Geneitcs,
Dept. of Genetics,

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