what is everyone using?

Anthony Tomlinson tomlinson at pplros.demon.co.uk
Thu Jan 29 12:07:43 EST 1998

In article <6amvi8$641 at net.bio.net> Michael Tan, mstan at tally.UCHSC.edu
>just want to know what types of configs everyone is using.  I would like
>to compile a list and evaluate the topologies..... e.g. which computers
>are mostly used....sequencers...software etc....
>and make it available for sequencing core managers, or others
>interested--to provide info on network system design and implementation
>with high throughput DNA sequencing technology.  

Seems like a good idea, but how about adding some basic information about
sort of sequencing that goes on in your facility?  For example, we mostly
small-scale high-accuracy sequencing of plasmid constructs (up to 20kb)
generating transgenic animals, using custom primers and terminators (just
with Big Dyes).  Two full gels/week.

We have

1 377, standard, with a 7200/90, 48MB, System 7.6 with collection 2.1,
2.1.2, Factura 1.2 or6, and AutoAssembler 1.4

1 PowerTower 166, 64MB, system 7.5.3, and 

1 6500/250, 64MB, OS 8

both with Factura1.2or6 and AutoAssembler 1.4. 

Typically, rxns are cycled on a MJR PTC200, run on the 377 48cm wtr,
retracked etc
on the 7200, and clipped and assembled on any of the 3 macs.  We also use
and the Lasergene software.


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