centrifugation of 96-well plates

Paul Morrison morrison at farber.harvard.edu
Mon Feb 23 06:04:24 EST 1998

SPOLSKY at say.acnatsci.org wrote:
> We need to spin down reactions in 96-well plates, but we do
> not have 96-well plate holders for our centrifuge. We have heard rumors about
> jerry-rigged wire baskets for such spinning, but need more information. Does
> anyone out there have any clever ideas for adapting something for
> a Beckman TJ or Sorvall RC-5B centrifuges?
> Chris Spolsky
> spolsky at acnatsci.org

If all you want to do is get all the liquid to the bottom of the plate
after mixing then go to a kitchen supply store and buy a "salad
spinner". For about 12 bucks you can spin two microtiter plates at once.
An addition of some wire or PE tubing makes a holder for the two plates
held slightly off vertical. This is a tad cheaper than the RC-5B plate

hope this helps, Paul

Paul Morrison
Molecular Biology Core Facilities
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
44 Binney Street
Boston, MA  02115
p_morrison at dfci.harvard.edu

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