Phillip San Miguel <pmiguel at bilbo.bio.purdue.edu> wrote:
PSM> We use bind silane with Alf express gels. I hate the stuff,
It's a poison. But thta's not the greatest risk on a laboratory. <g>
PSM> but it's a necessary evil if you want to keep the sides of the
PSM> wells from moving around.
True. But i know that other users do not use it with every run but e.g. o=
once in every 5 runs or so. Seems to work.
PSM> We have a plastic scraper to remove the acrylamide left at the top
PSM> of the gel. I don't worry much about scratching the top edge of an
PSM> Alfx gel =AD=AD the detectors are near the bottom.
I don't care about the plates at all. Most of the gel can be removed very
easily, also with the scaper, and i have not seen any scratching on the p=
we use for more than a year now. With about two runs a week i think.
PSM> Then we wash as normal, using a teflon safe scrub sponge to remove
PSM> the residual acrylamide from the top of the gel.
I wash the plates under continuously running tap water. With plenty of wa=
the last traces of the gel are removed very easily and do not stick to cl=
parts of the plates.
PSM> I think too much bind silane can cause problems other than getting
PSM> the plates clean. A Pharmacia rep said that an "ion front" migrates
PSM> in the gel from the bind silane. He suggested that fluctuations w=
PSM> were seeing in our voltage during a run were caused by this.
We use the standard bind silane method and i have no problems with voltag=
with regards, Jan Hoolwerf
******************* these words were mine, all mine !! ******************=
J.D. Hoolwerf
Neth. Inst. for Dairy Research
P.O. Box 20 phone : 31=AD318=AD659511
6710 BA Ede fax : 31=AD318=AD650400
the Netherlands e=ADmail : hoolwerf at solair1.inter.nl.=