Membrane Comb

Robert Vogrig robert_vogrig at hc-sc.gc.ca
Sat Aug 29 08:17:57 EST 1998

To all sequencers,
    I have tried the membrane comb (a couple of times) put out by The
Gel Company and am having some difficulty  getting reads past 400 bp.
    I am using a 377, big dye and the gel pack put out by Mandel. The
wtr is 36 cm, regular 2* run.
    I would run the temperature on the plates so as to reach 51 C, put
the membrane comb  on the top of a dry gel, apply the buffer and do a 10
min pre run after which I would start the run.
    The other difficulty is the applying of the comb to the dry gel.
After applying the sample to the wells, I wait 10 min. I apply
compressed ultra pure gas to  the surface of the gel to dry it out. I
still get some wells that compress  and do not touch the gel.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Robert Vogrig
Health Canada Federal Laboratories
1015 Arlington St. Rm H3380
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3E 3R2
Email Robert_Vogrig at hc-sc.gc.ca

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