Position Announcement: Bioinformatics

b-whitmarsh whitmars at aries.scs.uiuc.edu
Thu Aug 20 16:39:38 EST 1998


Biotechnology Center

Director of Bioinformatics
W. M. Keck Center for Comparative and Functional Genomics

Starting Date

October 1, 1998

Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Biology or Computer Science with significant
professional expertise in relevant software, relational databases and SQL
(Structured Query Language).  The applicant must be able to program in a
UNIX environment, using C or C++ and PERL.  Object-oriented languages such
as JAVA and web skills including HTML are highly desirable.  Excellent
communication skills are essential.  Previous teaching experience is highly

The Keck Center will be focusing on comparative genome analysis and
functional genomics in microbial, plant and animal species.  The center
serves a large campus with over 180 faculty members in the biological
sciences.  Three units, High Throughput Sequencing and Genotyping,
Bioinformatics, and Functional Genomics, each led by a director,  will work
as a team on all on-going research projects.  The Director of
Bioinformatics will consult with faculty, providing expertise in DNA and
protein sequence analysis methods.  The director will contribute ideas and
innovations to new methodologies and secure funding through research
grants.  Close collaboration with faculty to promote training in
bioinformatics at the undergraduate and graduate levels is expected,
including outreach activities to the public at large.  Other
responsibilities include training and supervision of academic and technical
personnel, maintaining equipment and administration of a budget.

Type of Position and Salary
Full time, 12 month regular academic professional position. Salary is
commensurate with experience.

Send letter of application with complete curriculum vitae and three letters
of recommendation to:

	Dr. Barbara Whitmarsh, Associate Director
	Search # 6177
	Biotechnology Center
	901 S. Mathew Ave.
	Urbana, IL  61801

For full consideration, applications should be received by  5:00 pm
	on September 9, 1998.

The University of Illinois is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Minorities, women, and other designated class members are encouraged to apply.

Barbara Whitmarsh, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Biotechnology Center
University of Illinois
901 S. Mathews
103 Observatory
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone number: (217) 244-0144
Fax number: (217) 244-0466

Biotechnology Center Homepage: http://www.life.uiuc.edu/biotech/

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