On-line Guide.

Stuart Bayliss SB64 at leicester.ac.uk
Tue Aug 18 02:55:14 EST 1998

Dear All,

(I've re sent this as I don't believe it got to you all last time, apologies if you've already had it).

A quick email to tell you all I've put the second installment of my DNA Sequencing trouble shooting 
guide on-line.  This section deals with the data, spotting problems from chromatograms and such 
things.  It was promised about 8 months ago...better late than never!

The specific url is:


but you can also get to it from the lab homepage (the url of which should appear at the bottom of this 
message...).  Comments, suggestions etc. would be of use if you care to deliver them to me (and not to 
the group please!).  I hope it's of use to some of you...

Best Wishes,

Stuart Bayliss,
Automated DNA Sequencing Specialist,
Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,
Lancaster Road,
Leicester.  UK.
LE1 9HN.

Phone: 0116 252 5613
Fax:   0116 252 5616

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