highthoughput plant DNA

Bernd Weisshaar weisshaa at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
Tue Aug 18 17:17:44 EST 1998

>Does anyone know of a highthroughput plant DNA purification system?  We
>have a biorobot and Qiagen doesn't make a system yet.  I tried the normal
>cell prep after we ground down the leaves but we got almost nothing.  Does
>anyone have a protocol that can be adapted to highthroughput or know of a
>kit that can do it.

Dear Tom,

we are also very much interested in such a system. I do not know a company
offering a system for DNA isolation from plant material. We grind by hand
(liquid N2) and use the Amersham Kit for A. thaliana. Any additional
suggestion welcome.

Regards, Bernd


PD Dr. Bernd Weisshaar
MPI für Züchtungsforschung
Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10
50829 Köln

Tel. office: +49-221-5062 590   Tel. lab: +49-221-5062 311
Fax: +49-221-5062 313
e-mail: weisshaa at mpiz-koeln.mpg.de
WWW-URL: http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~weisshaa/BW-info.html

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